Thursday, July 13, 2006

The code of a male...

I was watching "Pirates of the Carribean, dead man's chest" just now and it didn't really appeal to me the way it was compared to the first movie. What really put me off wasn't the part that we have to watch ANOTHER movie to know it's continuation but the part where Elizaberth was shifting her love to Captain Jack. It was rather sick and I didn't feel so good.
After that movie, I reviewed that scene. Why people shift their love to other people so easily? Why is there this uncertainty and insecurity in finding someone you really love? Is the meaning of love becoming
too ambiguous for people to understand? Was we just wanting to fool ourselves always? I can't see another girl and tell her that I'm interested in her not knowing where we will land in the near future. There is this uncertainty, this deep hole that I can't fill anything in in order to cross.
I remember reading up this sociology reading about a particular male code that most males possess. I don't know whether he(the writer) was referring mostly to Asians or to male in general, but I believe it(the article) was referring more to Asian males.
What is this code? Is it something that males always been possessing? Somehow yes and no. But it has been existing since very long ago. Let me ask you guys out there - when you see a girl that is somewhat your taste, you want to know her more. But when you found out that she's attached or married, what do you do? If you say you'll try breaking them up, good luck to you. Don't quote that I promote such stuff because I don't. But to those who think likewise, do you leave that girl alone and continue being just a distance friend? Is this something most males do? That if a girl is attached, she's being sealed with a stamp that she's not to be touched. *I apologised sincerely to females out there that feel offended to what I'm trying to portray. I don't mean that you are just "something" for us to "possess". I meant it as a figurative of speech.* It's the effect of this "code" that is acting on us. Do we interfer this relationship or not? To me, the answer should be no. I don't want to be a heartbreaker nor a substitute. Just imagine this girl comes over to be with you but keep talking about her previous bf or even compare him with you. Wouldn't that be so painful to keep? What if she doesn't do all that but lost interest in you and starts seeing other people, behind your back? Would that be fare? Would that be something we all want? A vicious cycle...
Even if we guys stick to our distances, it wouldn't stop girls from advancing. But lets take this thought all the way up to a familiar phrase "the first girl is not necessary the one you love. There is always a search to find the ONE". If everyone always want to find the one and always use the "test water" technique, there may not be an end to finding someone you're comfortable and love with. And through my 22 years alive, from what I see, people like me, are those girls don't even take a glance at. They always give me this strange look as if I'm some animal or what. Like as if they are always thinking the same thing, "Errrhhh, what a hairy, ugly guy. Doesn't suit someone as beautiful as me..."


I'm now vexed yet confused of what is going on. Sometimes it's just too sad and upsetting to think about these stuff. It sometimes hinder my movement, thinking is it worth it or not...

Upset and tired
The Mixed Boy


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