Thursday, November 16, 2006

A tiring and confused month...

Many things happened recently and it has been very very tiring for me. I believe it has been very tiring for many others too. I can't tell what has really been going through my head that clouds it so much. All I know is that LSM2104 was really a killer and it acts like a virus, not only out to kill me, but to kill many others as well as tarnish my friendship with my friends. I really don't like that feeling. The feeling of leading is assuring but it has it's tough times. Cell Biology wasn't any kind to me either. I spent the whole night studying for it and ended up having to sleep so much after that. I could not focus or finish up what I planned to finish. Games and songs were too tempting to resist...
Maybe I should stop blogging for a while, at least about a few months or so... It is fun to write down your feelings and all but it affects the way I write on the blog. Singaporean's personal space is growing thinner by the second. Who knows someday you will be receiving a call that you are tapping onto someone's connection and you will be charged for it; you will get sued by someone who you unintentionally offended; you will be charged for sending a composed music (by you) to your friends which was thought to be pirated... Who knows... Guess my work is getting hard on me... I'm just tired and frustrated about the way I'm studying... I just hope I can cover everything completely by the exams.
Have you had your feelings call you bluff? Suddenly, I feel for someone but somehow the attention was not noticed. I know she won't be reading this blog anyway. I loan her my jacket yesterday because I noticed her cuddling to herself. I was just afraid she would catch a cold. So I went all the way to my locker to get my other jacket that is made up of cloth to pass it to her. She looked great when I placed the jacket on her. Well, probably my actions to her was just what friends would usually do. I also wouldn't want to jump to conclusions that I actually somehow liked her. It was pretty amusing for her to comment on the smell of my jacket, that it had my smell and it smelt like chicken biscuits at first, then newly, washed laundry... A comment that would bring a smile to my face... But then... come to think about it... She never thought of being in a relationship before... Guess it's not really the time to say anything about it... Her replies were very distant and friend-like... It could spell out something...

The Mixed Boy


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