Friday, January 08, 2010

Life of a Researcher - Chronicles Log 3a

OMG, I didn't know about this webtool in google, it's call "google translate". I think it's super cool and I also feel that I'm so dumb not to notice it. However, the translation only corrects your words to the nearest direct translation. Nonetheless, let me try to replicate this entry in Japanese now:


私は、私のパートナー私のわめきを容認することができました感謝している(にもかかわらず、私は彼女の目で見ることは、彼女にうんざりしなっていた)を参照できるし、どんな過酷な事は私を許した私は状況に係ると述べた。もちろん、私は彼女の忍耐のための彼女は個人的に感謝した。ある一つのことは私だけでなく、誰もそこから学ぶかと彼女は願って - ときに世話をするか聞く耳を提供するボランティアは、あなたがやっている仕事に十分な注意をそらすしたいです。物事に刺激され、すでに怒っている人動揺としてぶら下げままにしないでください。それが我々の検索とテスト潜在的な薬について、我々を理解する必要がありますし、参加者は、我々に薬を与えているに注意を払うの臨床試験に似ています。この患者は重要なのは、フォームは我々が患者に何を懸念しているに注意を払っても良い結果ではなく、。

もう一つは、ときに我々は、我々または何かを、少なくとも我々が何かをしようとすることが必要だと言う。別の方法の中のフレーズにするには、"我々は、話を話すが、私たちは徒歩ですか?"。 1つは、彼/彼女は、そのスタイルとそれをコスプレ好きだと言う。ちょうどそれのために、衣装をしないが、心と魂をそこに置く。もちろん、将来の研究者として、そのような事のための時間がないけど、これが我々の計画では時間を管理しています。したがって、で、生産性、事前の計画と集中。ないぐずぐずぐずぐずしないと、何もただ座って行われる。私はその時すぐに適切な鎧で十分ですが生成される左、私は再望まない場合は、外傷性のライブイベントを願っています。

私はまだ新しい仕事のための推薦状を取得しました。私はすぐにそれらを得ることを期待。加えて、自分のアプリケーションのみを1月10日に承認されると、別の2かかります - 3週間。ホープは、すべてうまくいくよ...

-=The Mixed Boy=-

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Life of a Researcher - Chronicles Log 3

Life wasn't so happy for the beginning of this year, I kinda gotten into many many mishaps. I found myself in some crazy chase on what to do for Cosfest and how am I to go about formulating the protocol for the IPS cells. Been in several arguments that were repetitive and incomplete. Things get worst by having injuries added to it. At a point in time I was too frustrated to think straight and was almost in the verge of just scolding everyone. But somehow, I was able to keep my anger to myself but became depressed for awhile.

I am very grateful that my partner was able to tolerate my ranting (even though I could see in her eyes that she was getting fedup) and forgave me for whatever harsh things I said out pertaining to the situation. Of course, I did thank her personally for her patience. There is one thing that I hope she as well as everyone else would learn from it - when you want to care or volunteer to provide a listening ear, divert ample attention on the task that you are doing. Don't try to leave things hanging as it will irritate and upset the person who is already upset. It is similar to clinical trials, when we search and test for potential good drugs, we must understand and pay attention to the participants that we are giving the medication to. This is a form of patient importance, where we pay attention to what the patient is concerned in rather than just good results.

Another thing is that when we say that we are, we must be what we are or at least try to be what we are. To phrase it in another way, "we talk the talk, but do we walk the walk?". When one say that he/she likes cosplay, then do it with style. Don't just do a costume for the sake of it, but with heart and soul put into it. Of course, as future researchers, we don't have the time for such things, but this is where we manage our time by planning. Thus, by productive, plan ahead and focus. Don't dilly dally, nothing will be done just by sitting down. I hope the time left now is sufficient for a proper armor to be produced, I don't want to re-live the traumatic events.

I've yet to get the recommendation letters for my new job. I hope to get them soon. Besides, my application will only be endorsed on the 10th Jan and it will take another 2 - 3 weeks. Hope that everything will be fine...

The Mixed Boy

Friday, January 01, 2010

Life of a Researcher - Chronicles Log 2

Food for thought:

Remember about all the talk on sudden cardiac death, (SCD), and that it may be some genetic disorder that also may be hereditary? I was just thinking, what if, it isn't something to do with genetics, but something as simple as exhaution? Not the person, but the cells or the ion channels. I can't say for sure, but so far, usually the news that broadcast SCD are usually people who are rather fit and train quite a lot. What if their cells we not as willing to carry on as much work as other cells could and they simply just stop working. So it isn't something hereditary. But of course, you could ask, if they get tired easier, would it mean that they are different = something in their genetic structure that causes them to be like that? How about protein structures/levels? Would they be of any cause? Even though SCD can be described as many forms of death, it has been around for a few decades already. There may be speculations of ion-channel failures or inefficiency, but wouldn't the host have manifested these symptoms way before SCD would happen? Why is that humans have managed to endure so much hardship in the past without dying but now, people are able to be stuck with a fatal event so easily? Is it a form of evolution? That the body has had enough and will not carry on working until it receives it's next "pay". There are many flaws in these assumptions, but it's more like food for thought...

P.S. I'm really sleepy now, it's New Year and I just came back to write this blog. So tired.

The Mixed Boy