Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Life of a Researcher - Chronicles Log 4

I think I have left out a lot of entries that seemed to be interesting as well as experience gaining. I should have taken some time to jot down those entries, guess it'll be scripted into the realms of time and continuum.

Perhaps there is something happier to to talk about, as some have already noticed, I am officially a full time research assistant in my campus and embarking on a new chapter towards higher learning. I cannot say that things will be smooth, but it will be interesting. I personally feel that I have already sunk too much into my comfort zone to go back to work. This is somewhat a bad omen for me, that is why I prefer to try to maximize my time to do other things to keep me happy. Unfortunately, my time spend wasn't as productive as I expected it to be. For instance, I have been a part-time research assistant in Asif's lab, but the skills I have attained from there were not exactly up to expectations. Mostly it was due to my ignorance to evade useful lessons. Moreover, nine months of no full-time employment is like experiencing another term of national service, where it kinda erodes my self-worth and makes my brain rot. Though it is happening to me, I believe I have managed to preserve at least some of my sanity and competency for the work that has yet to be poured onto me.

I could say that life is getting on the better side at this moment - relationships are blooming, opportunity to embark on my career, having my own personal space and time, etc. I just hope that times like this concur much of my time in campus. Though my partner and I are both researchers-in-progress, I believe that relationships can blind any form of reasoning; I hope we have ample time for each other.

I wanted to put this in earlier entries but I kinda missed it, but I noticed that humans (or at least in the society that I grow in) tend to choose (selectively) their partners mostly based on exterior/structural appearance as well as character. I cannot tell the extent of my hypothesis but everyone has a specific set of facial/body/hair/etc. structure that we choose to like. I.e. Lets just say I like people with long hair, sharp chin and slim figure. Most of my choices for a partner will fall under these categories and I would not really consider anyone out of the list (or at least refrain from choosing). However, character-wise would not be so similar. We always think we would like to find someone of similar interest, but somehow, we would usually choose someone who has a different set of interest than us. I do not say opposite because it is subjective and would seem wrong to implicate a fixed set of interest from the start. At times, it would seem that your partner's characters are opposite of yours; at times, it would be very much different from yours. In either way, it would somehow suggest a completion of your life to mask over characters that you do not hold initially. Or at least that's how I feel so far. But the point here is that, if we put it mathematically:

1) We choose partners based on exterior appearance proportionate to our list
2) We choose partners based on character inversely proportionate to our own

Another thing I noticed is that people with almost similar facial features, tend to have almost similar names. Not only that, these people of similar features have almost similar characteristics as well. If this, to some extent, is true, then what is governing us when choosing names for our off-springs? Is it a fabric of nature? Is it a form of animal instinct? Is it that people of similar features have an invisible connection between them that encrypt names? Is it a secret code in their genes that secretly bond these people together? It would be interesting to know this though.

The Mixed Boy