Friday, April 27, 2007

Life is like Calculus - It can converge to a stagnant point or diverge to something large

I never thought I would have problems with a math module. I was always called the "Math God" back in my secondary and junior college days. And now I'm even struggling to get a decent grade for calculus. CALCULUS!!! One of the easiest math modules in the uni. Can't you believe it? I think Wang Fei may be a good teacher but as a exam script writer, he needs to understand one thing - What's the limit of our capabilities in doing his difficult paper when time, t, approaches to 0 or infinity? It's still ZEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOO.... Can't he just set relatively easier papers for the non-SM2 students? Well Mister... you've have been looking at the minimum curve of the "can't do so well" curve instead of the maximum curve. Now you know how bad your paper is? Oh ya... Too bad, I'm not taking anymore Math modules!!! Eeyer... No more help sheet preparations for me... So tiring. If An = stress and A = person, and 1A = 1 person, the limit when stress level goes infinity makes a person mad (crazy). You know why? If you calculate it on 1A/An = 1/stress, it is similar to comparing with 1/n. By p-series, 1/n is divergent, and so does 1/stress. So as stress levels go up, it diverges, makes us crazy... ARRRHHHHHH!!!!!

The Mixed Boy

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No more Sick Paper Symptoms (SPS)

Wah the paper DAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN EASY LAH!!!! Hmmm guess I haven't gotten the title as a lier yet. Seems like Mr Uma's still the best lier around. Though I didn't read much or research on the topics, I managed to write like 4 pages for the 1st question and 2 for the 2nd. Wassup with that?!!!? However, I really hope I get an 'S' for it. No more Sick Paper Symptoms anymore... No more wrecking brains to think of good presentations when ours suck still. Despite the technical details, I still like the way the lectures we conducted - free and easy. I just disliked the heavy work that is required to fulfill. I appreciated Mr Uma's effort in interesting us with the module, though I believe, it would come out to a stage when people will all react the same for environmental degradation. Very little people actually takes notice of it, everyone's taking things for granted. Hmmmm... Anyway, I'm banning myself from going to Suntec for at least a few months. Been there for like the whole sem but I noticed I wasn't enjoying myself there at all. I was in fact struggling to get things done together with my group mates. I hope Qing Ling and LeiYa will take things easy, I know Qing Ling isn't at all happy about my attitude, I guess it goes the same for me. Emily...... Well, she'll just stay as blur as she is. I think she's already happy as where she is right now, though I prefer that she joined me and Judy with some nice oily food sometimes. Haha.. YOU WON'T GROW FAT LAH!!! You are already that thin... Besides, it's not like your bf will leave you for eating one prata. Hahaha... Anyway... I hope things go better for my next three papers...

A little worried...
The Mixed Boy

Norbert... We need to run some site specific mutagenesis on you... We suspect...

I should have posted this some time ago, but kinda forgotten it's a non-examinable module. Hahaha... Anyway, I enjoyed the mod and I like doing the procedures, being meticulous with my partner and stayed on the report like 8 straight from 7pm in school. The only pain thing was to be on par with the gradings of the reports as well as the final report that constitute to 30% of the overall marks. I did it with lots of effort and had no regrets submitting it. Hopefully we can get back our reports for keeping. However, I still think we should do some site specific mutagenesis on Norbert. I think we can test whether which part of his chromosomes can protein smart (S) bind to. If we can find the specific site, we can induce an anti-sense RNA to degrade his excretion of the protein. At least we can have sane questions in future. Somehow, we can also try to find out whether we can ligate a "slow-down" gene into his genome, so that he can talk slightly slow. He seems to not understand that writing is much harder to cope than saying out his reasons. Should induce more galactase to prevent formation of galactitol and blind his eyes. And wassup with the protocols? Two thick stacks of protocols to read within weeks? How can anyone remember so much procedures? And to make it worse, he asks small small details from some part of the protocol that NO ONE ever thought of reading. That means he expects us to read everything, memorise AND understand... -_-||| Oh well.. It's already done and I'm happy to learn so much from it. I hope I get an A- at least for it since I did my best to understand every little bit of details...

The Mixed Boy

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Days of silencing...

My family doesn't listen to me anymore. It always ended up them making lame excuses to leave when I'm talking about what I am good/like. I'm not well versed in general knowledge but it does feel good to say things that I am familiar and good at. It makes me feel that I understand my work thoroughly and not just to go to school for the sake of going to school. It makes me terribly sad when my words just get shun away. What's worse is that no one in my family is life science inclined. My sister is knowledgeable in the field but not up my standard just yet, as an undergrad. Most of the time I'm like talking to myself, so similar to what I do everyday in school. I just talk to myself to console myself.

Lonely as usual
The Mixed Boy